1-1 Lessons in Ableton Live 11 with the stinky man himself. These lessons can be in person or online, thru Discord (I pay to boost my server for higher quality Audio streaming).

  • Just make sure you actually have Discord installed on your computer, screen sharing (at the date of writing this post 11/1/2021) doesn’t work in the browser version.

  • If you have any project files that you’d want me to go over on my end, just make sure to try and send them to in advance so I can have them downloaded and ready before the lesson starts!

  • If you are strapped for cash, struggling, or are in a particularily rough financial situation for whatever reason, just reach out to and I’d be happy to work something out!

  • If you’re interested in scheduling more than 2 hours worth of time, or becoming a regular student, also reach out to, there’s a form at the bottom of the page!